Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pancakes on the Rocks

Sorry about the delay of posting. My goal is to get the blog completely up to date right now, so in the following posts you'll get to read about my last day in Australia, my week in New Zealand, and the troubles the airline industry gave me when I tried to come home.

Anyway after I blogged, I headed back to the apartment and Tomomi and Denning and I headed to dinner. They didn't initially tell me where I was going and were trying to act coy about it, but I deduced it was at The Rocks because that was the direction we were walking. Turns out it was a restaurant called Pancakes on the Rocks. (The "on the Rocks" part is purely location, not anything to do with salt). Apparently it is one of the few restaurants in Sydney open 24 hours, so it is like our Ihop. I ordered some crepes with beef inside and an Australian beer. I figured I'll lavish in my options while I was still abroad. The pancakes were good and the beer was beery, and the company was nice. We snapped some photos and talked about Aus, the States, and even about Japan a little.

When we left Pancakes Tomomi headed to work - she's a nurse and she was working the night shift - and Denning and I headed to Darling Harbour to meet a friend of his for coffee. I joined them and we drank coffee at a chique local cafe called Starbucks (mind the sarcasm). Denning talked about his involvement with the Stations of the Cross performance for World Youth Day, his friend talked about how she just got back from Uni, and I talked about being an American. I'm getting pretty used to answering silly questions about America, but I know I ask lots and lots of silly questions about the other countries too - or at least I enjoy discovering the same sort of things too.

From Starbucks the three of us headed back to the apartment for some Wii, and I crashed shortly after because I had a flight the next morning. When I woke up very early - 7am - I got all my stuff together and Denning took me in his car to the airport. That was greatly appreciated because it saved me from buying the expensive train ticket, and I know that waking up at 7am is not the most exciting thing to do. Since this was my 8th flight since June 1st, I was pretty well practiced at the whole airport thing, so I got on my flight relatively hassle-free.

In Australia I met the nicest people, rivaled only by Kenyans. I'd definitely like to go back to Aus because one week is definitely not enough time to enjoy everything it has to offer - just ask my friend Amy who spent several months there and longs to return.

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