Friday, October 3, 2008

Random memories

Ever since I got back from my trip, many things have reminded me of my trip, including some stories I don't think I've told you all about.

Land Down Under
While I was staying in Australia, I made a comment to Denning that the only music I knew of that came out of Aus was "Land Down Under" by Men at Work. He told me that most Australians find it a little obnoxious and he doesn't want it to represent him. Later, while driving in his car it came on the radio. It was blessed irony.

Did I mention that they had squirrels for sale at the gigantic market in Thailand? I think my sister would have really appreciated one for her birthday.

On the recent premier of The Amazing Race 13 (one of my inspirations for the whole trip) the teams started at LAX. Let me tell you - airports are NOT that exciting and LAX is especially tame. There is a reason the short-lived drama "LAX" was canned so quickly.

I recently decided that although my trip is over I will still post periodically.

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