Saturday, May 3, 2008


I'm always receptive to advice. I might not think I'll implement it immediately, but if someone takes the time to explain something to me, I will definitely pull that information out later if needed.

But now I'm looking for advice. Any international traveling tips, what to do in certain cities, what NOT to eat. The next 6 posts should be about each individual city and my basic plans of what to do in each city, so you can post your advice for those cities if you have them.

Then again a main purpose of this trip is to learn, and what better way to learn than through mistakes.

I leave in 28 days.


Em_ell_ee said...

Sorry friend, I only know things about Mexico. :\

Carly said...

1. i saw michelles comment- im not a tree thanks
2. i hope someone finds this and stalks you around the world
3. since your missing my birthday- i expect something from every city!
4. i read something about a girl who picked up a rock in Greece or something and got arrested so dont pick up rocks.

Unknown said...

Find out anything about the passport situation?

Aaron said...

In Paris,
You should definitely see the Musée Rodin. Eat Croque-Monsieur, but only from a nice restaurant. Don't eat in the Eiffel Tower. Absolutely go to the Palais de Versailles. Put aside a good chunk of time for it. The Champs-Élysées is overrated, I think, although it's still worthwhile to see the Arc de Triomphe. Obviously the Louvre. You can get a great view of the city from Sacré Coeur, but avoid the African men who will try to con you out of your money. If you can find your way up to the Loire Valley, there are tons of amazing Chateaux. Notre Dame de Paris and the Latin Quarter. The Musée d'Orsay. You should make a point of eating crepes, but almost all the food in Paris is excellent.

Pops said...

Always wear clean underwear in case of a fire.
Love, Mom & Dad

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