Monday, June 16, 2008

Its not always a Race, but its always Amazing

Tonight I blog via iPhone. From the Cairo airport. Where I will be sleeping.

Its been a long day so I'll start where the last post ended. After blogging I got the rest of my luggage from the hostel where I stayed my first night. I then called Taher, my first SERVAS host and met up with him at 11:30 at the metro station near his apartment. He was very nice, and his apartment was very classy and nice as well. He had two cats which irritated my left eye (its always my left one). He showed me my guest room and shower. He then offered me the choice to have pizza or an Egyptian dinner. Being the adventurous culinary tourist that I am I opted for the Egyptian type. It was not cow brain or spleen, but pocket bread (no surprise) with honey, molasses, some type of canned cream, some fancy cheese dip, and some other molasses dip. It was good but the cheese was bitter (which I assume it is supposed to be). We talked about languages and politics. He's not even American and he cares more about the up combing election than I do. He is a doctor and is well educated and traveled, and seemed to know more about every subject than I did. Except movies. We got to a topic that I like to think of myself as well versed in. I turned down my 7,000th cigarette in Egypt and hit the bed.

The next morning Taher showed me a bag of fruit that I could have. He also offered me a sandwhich which I foolishly rejected. For breakfast I had more pocket bread with a more traditional type of cheese. I was also given a giant chocolate ball coated in chocolate with chocolate drizzeled over it. It was tasty and delicious, but very rich. It took me the whole day to finish the thing. When he left for work, I took a nap. Then I started reading a book. Then I watched a movie. Then I went on a walk around the neighborhood. This was a completely different side of Cairo - nobody hasseling me or trying to rip me off. It was nice. I visited his hospital and got the keys from him and made my way back to the apartment. I decided to wait until 9:30 when he got off work to leave, rather than return the keys to him at the hospital. Since I had time to spare I decided to do my laundry: thus starting a comedy of errors. First I got my clothes locked in his washing machine. After a good 30 minutes, I finally managed to open the thing without breaking it. Because I was running short on time and I didn't want to carry wet clothes in my backback, I used the breeze on the porch, two housefans, and a spaceheater to accelerate the project. I ran through the apartment carrying shirts and cycling them on the fans. Eventually the cats learned to stay out of my way and the clothes were dry. It was then 9:15. I packed and waited for Taher. And waited. And waited.

By 9:45 he still didn't show. I asked his neighbor to call and he said he was still at the hospital (one block away). I hoofed it there and gave him the keys. I wanted to talk a little and say goodbye but I was running desperately late and had to go. I headed outside and hailed a taxi. I managed to pick up the best cabbie in Egypt. He never used the horn and drove like the wind. He would squeeze between cars and weave through lanes. I got to the airport in good time for my distance, and went to check in. But I was too late. Check in had ended 10 minutes ago. So I went to the EgyptAir office and rescheduled for a flight 24 hours later.

Being completely out of Egyptian pounds I decided to sleep in the airport tonight. I don't know where, I don't know if they'll kick me out, and I don't know if this is a good idea.

I felt like I was living an episode of The Amazing Race. Crazy taxi ride, airline trouble, sleeping in less than ideal circumstances - looks fun on tv but turns out it isnt fun at all. Its going to cost me $30usd to change the flight and a bad nights rest. Good thing I napped today.

It is now 12:30 am and I am yawning like a madman so I'm going to find a quiet (ha!) place to sleep.

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