Friday, June 6, 2008

Paris, France - day 4

I didn't have much of anything planned for today so I started walking and found a park with free wifi so here I am, blogging in a park in Paris.

Yesterday was without a doubt my biggest tourist day. I started the day off helping set up a rummage sale inside the church's courtyard. Pastor Herald then told me I could stay until Sunday, even though he was leaving that day for Sweden.

I then rode the trains to the Eiffel Tower. More people spoke English here than any other language, which took away a bit of the "experience" I was looking for. But it was still a sight. Even more entertaining was watching the unlicensed vendors run from the police. The police didn't seem to chase off the foreign girls/ladies who asked if you spoke English then showed you a tatered old piece of paper with the same "I'm broke and my mom is dead and I need money" sob story. I didn't fall for it the first time I was approached approximately10 minutes after I arrived in Paris, nor at Notre Dame, nor anywhere else.

The Eiffel tower was grand, but I had more to do. I then walked to the Arc de Triomphe. Its a lot bigger than I thought it'd be. One thing I learned from The Amazing Race (which I must admit was one inspiration for this journey) was that you take a tunnel under the road circling the Arc. I paid my 5,50€ to climb the many stairs to the top. I'm still surprised I keep paying money to climb cramped spiral staircases. The top held quite a view though: the Champs Elysèes, the Eiffel Tower, and the rest of the city. (be patient for photos) You could also see the skyscrapers outsideof the city. The government won't allow them to build inside the main city. After snapping photos I descendedand began my trek down the Champs Elysèes. I didn't buy anything Louis Vuitton for my sister on her birthday. I did buy a crepe from a stand and ate it. Of course it was overpriced, but I am staying cheap on all other foodstuffs, plus I get a student discount nearly everywhere.

I walked and walked down to the L'Ouvre. I didn't see Tom Hanks, but saw lots of tourists. After the L'Ouvre, I made my way to the Musee Orly. I didn't enter either. I then made my way to the Avenue Champs Elysèes again and had a sandwhich for dinner. I walked back to the Eiffel Tower again because I wanted a picture if it lit up against the dark night sky. I sat around for nearly 3 hours because the sun doesn't set until about 10:15. When did take the picture, my camera decided to die so I only got one photo. At least it was decent. I then took the train back and retired for the night.

The strangest thing is how much Egyptian stuff I keep seeing: the oblisk at the Champs Elysèes, pyramids at L'Ouvre, I walkedby the Egyptian embassy, there was a film about Egypt playing at Centre Pompidou. I guess its a good segway to my next city.


Laura said...

Trevor this is all amazing!! I'm so jealous of you and all that you're experiencing. Your blog is great, keep up all the details and try to be good since you're sleeping in the house of God ;)

Diane said...

Trevor-Since I can't be there, the next BEST thing is to hear about YOUR experiences! True to form, you have a great outlook & funny observations! Just don't try driving over there-they're maniacs!


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