Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Paris: Day 1

Note: When I arrived wasn't working. This is my facebook note from that day.

Note: In Franceland they q's are a's; a's are w's and 1's are !'s and more funny keyboard stuff. So sorry for typos in qdvqnce.

I arrived in Paris at 8:30am Paris time, 1:30am your time. I then took an outrageously priced train to a train station, got lost, and eventually found my way to the church that is hosting me. When I got there, the pastor gave me a key and told me I would be sleeping in the churchpart of the church. You know, where they worship God every Sunday?

Anyway I'm exhausted because my luggage weighs a lot and it is muggy here, and I only got 2 hours of sleep for the last "night".

The most surprising thing is that they actually speak French here. As in all of them. I shouldn't be surprised but I guess that is why they call it "culture shock". The pastor at the church is Swedish and the neighborhood has a lot of Africans living in it, so I am all about multiculturalism today.

I'll upload photos later... like when I take some good ones.

1 comment:

Connie said...

God answers mother's prayers - He's putting you up in His own house, and even gave you the key!

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